The Coffee Break hosts talk girl power with guest Erin Mahoney on a new episode of Hopkinton Coffee Break.

Please click the link below to see the video:

Erin's upcoming appearances and book signings:

  • March 12th Facebook LIVE virtual book launches - 11:00 am EST and 8:00 pm EST
  • March 16th Erin is attending the DRIVEN Conference for Women, Cape Cod and sharing Girl Power Go
  • March 22, PR Running - Appearance to Share Girl Power and Book Signing
  • March 23, Spotlight Speaker at Nichols College, Empowering Women in Business Conference
    Exhibitors Table - See Girl Power Go gear and check out our just released books!!
  • April 5th, Book Signing Event at Ugly Dog Books in Attleboro, 6 to 8:00 pm

  • Write By: erin
  • Published In: News/Press
  • Created Date: 2017-02-27
  • Hits: 3268
  • Comment: 0
