Erin Mahoney will be on the radio show to talk about the Girl Power program, our new website, and our upcoming amazing book Girl Power.

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Mark your calendar. We will be on the radio with Jim Beach on December 15th.

Jim Beach
Keynote Speaker and McGraw-Hill Bestselling Author
SBA Award Winning Radio Host on 12 AM/FM Stations (

Jim is known for this belief that entrepreneurship is not about creativity, risk, or passion. Jim’s first book, School for Startups, was published by McGraw-Hill in June 2011 and reached as high as number 9 on Amazon’s business section. Promoting the book, he has done over 100 radio interviews, was featured in a UPS commercial, was referred to as the Simon Cowell of venture capital by CNN, and was excerpted by Entrepreneur magazine and the Wall Street Journal India.

Read more about Jim at

Here are the stations we will be on. Be sure to tune in!

  • Tampa AM 1630, FM 92.1
  • Las Vegas AM 1520, FM 107.1
  • Macon AM 810, FM 87.9
  • Lancaster AM 1640, FM 102.1
  • Boulder FM 100.7
  • Milwaukee FM 104.1
  • Pittsburgh FM 107.3
  • Long Beach FM 101.5

Stay tune as we will be posting a recording following the show so be sure to check back.

  • Write By: admin
  • Published In: News/Press
  • Created Date: 2015-11-14
  • Hits: 3573
  • Comment: 0
