Today we’d like to introduce you to Erin Mahoney.

Featured in the Boston Voyager Magazine

So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.

Erin Mahoney with strong girls at a Girl Power Go classGirl Power Go was born from a need! A need to help girls be brave and courageous while still being loving and kind. This mission began almost 10 years ago when a little girl at the tender age of 7 was being picked on on the bus. She was shy and didn’t want to confront the girls that were teasing her. They were calling her a tomboy. She didn’t like it and when she built up the courage to ask them to stop the teasing got worse. I, founder and CEO of Girl Power Go went on a mission. A mission to help this little girl stand in her power!

I came across a t-shirt that said, “I”m not a tomboy, I’m an athlete!” I gave the shirt to this amazing little girl and she walked on that bus like she owned it. She was in the first grade at the time. That t-shirt made her feel safe and proud, brave and courageous. At that moment I realized that there are millions upon millions of girls who need to find ways to take their power back while still being kind. This little girl didn’t need to say a word but the girls on the bus couldn’t tease her anymore. She was wearing it, owning who she was and could feel proud of her actions. She was brave, confident and kind. I began creating curriculum based on many of my own experiences as a child, research and what I had observed as a fitness instructor and parent. I began working with local Girl Scout troops, after school programming and community parks and recreation organizations.

Over the last 10 years we have worked with thousands of girls teaching life lessons covering multiple topics like how to be a good friend, how to be brave and courageous, healthy eating and the importance of rest. We cover a range of topics for a wide range of age groups. We begin in elementary school and continue serving kids up until the 12th grade. Beyond that we have programs for women. Our mission is to empower girls and women everywhere. To teach girls that they are stronger together and should lift each other up versus tearing each other down. We want girls to do the right thing when no one else does, own their actions and take responsibility even if they make a mistake. We teach the girls in our programs to help others whenever they can and that it is each girls responsibility to be loving and kind and to let others be who they are.

Our Girl Power Go mission and message is to build confidence, courage and strength. Our goal is to inspire, educate and provide proven strategies that develop strong connections to “self” and others. Life-lessons, love and kindness concepts, awareness activities, fitness, energy work and positive thinking are the foundation of our company.

Girl Power Go journel and guidebook youth girls empowerment program

It is my belief that every girl, women and human being has a bright, beautiful light inside of them. My passion and purpose is to show them how to let it shine. I want girls and women to know that they have the power to inspire others through their actions, love and kindness.

In 2017 I published 3 books with the vision of reaching more girls and women. The best-selling Girl Power Guidebook for Parents & Instructors, Girl Power Journal and best-selling Positive Vibes for Women books are the vehicle for me to share my proven strategies with the world. My hope is that girls and women leave our classrooms, workshops and finish our books feeling stronger, more powerful, brave and courageous and with more self-compassion and love then when they arrived. We help girls and women transform into the amazing beings they were born to be!

It is big work, but I will never stop finding ways to help girls and women feel empowered and worthy!

Has it been a smooth road?

Women workshop with Erin Mahoney, motivational speakerSome of our struggles came early. Where would we teach these classes? Space is always an issue in the schools because of after school programming and lack of free space. We have run classes in churches, community houses, outside and in people’s basements. I like to say if there is interest and a need I will find a way and so we have.

This is a gender specific program and early on some organizations did not feel they should offer it for that reason. I know the value of this work and because of that I did my homework and did not take no for an answer. I pushed back, gathered information and proposed our programs again. I looked at other offerings in after school programs and who was signing up and attending. The number of programs attended by boys far outweighed the number of programs attended by girls. Things like basketball or karate. Now I know many girls love these activities but you can’t deny that if a girl attends an after school basketball class with ten 9-year-old boys that they will treat her fairly. Will they pick her on their team first or based on her skill? No! Will they pass her the ball as often as their buddies or when she’s open? No! I took on this debate and in no time,  we were given the go to run our Girl Power Go programs in many schools that initially had concerns. I explained that we were not and would not ever exclude boys but that our programs simply makes more room for girls!

So, as you know, we’re impressed with Girl Power Go – tell our readers more, for example what you’re most proud of as a company and what sets you apart from others.

Girl Power Go provides services and programs to girls and women that build confidence, courage and strength. Our goal is to inspire, educate and provide proven strategies that develop strong connections to “self” and others.

Life-lessons, love and kindness concepts, awareness activities, fitness, energy work and positive thinking are the foundation of our company.

We specialize in empowerment through love and kindness. We are known for helping girls gain confidence by teaching the power of a positive mindset. We motivate and support girls as they experience “brave breakthroughs” and share their experience with others.

I am most proud of the fact that I have been able to create an organization that is built on helping others. I have testimonials that bring me to tears. I receive emails that will live in my heart forever and run into parents and educators all the time that tell me that our programs have had a lasting positive effect on them, their girls or both. That is good work! I feel proud of the fact that by allowing myself to be very vulnerable, share my flaws, life experiences and love myself anyway I have given others strength to do the same.

What sets us apart is that we care so much about this work and the people that trust us to do it! I care deeply about the well-being of every single person that we work with. We connect with our students, clients and customers in such a way that puts them in what I refer to as “Erin’s Web of Love”. I tell our clients that it’s a sticky place but once you’re in you can’t get out. I say that in a loving, supportive way that makes them feel special and cared for. I will always care, always check in and always offer help whenever I can. I want our girls and women to know that they are special to us and our company not for a profit but because we genuinely want them to live their very best life.

Let’s touch on your thoughts about our city – what do you like the most and least?

I like the energy that I feel when I am in our city. I love the sound of the busy streets, the hustle of the work day and the smell of the North End!

My least favorite thing about the city is that I don’t live closer to it. In my retirement I would love to have a brownstone overlooking the Boston Common

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  • Write By: admin
  • Published In: News/Press
  • Created Date: 2018-03-02
  • Hits: 52812
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